Middle School and High School Mental Health Assessments: Social Media, Mental Health and More. It's Time Schools Stepped Up!
The Issue:
Over 1 out of 3 young persons in America have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder including conditions such as anxiety and depression. Of this group, nearly half associate mental health issues with social media usage. Yale Medicine published a study on teenagers who spent an average of 3 hours daily on social media. This group had TWICE the risk of negative mental health outcomes.
Since 1987, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) has taught teachers and schools how to assess when a child is under stress or at emotional risk. In the last decade, this curriculum now covers 80% of schools. The problem is simple. There is no standardized way or frequency students are assessed for mental health well being. Each teacher and school does it their own way.
Middle school and high school students are under the supervision of administrators and teachers. The staff and teachers are accountable to the educational development of their youth. They are also accountable for helping prepare their students for being "ready" to enter the world. Students take health classes and undergo career education. However, nowhere in the US are middle school and high school students evaluated for mental health concerns in a standardized way by teachers and administrators.
To date, the schools have turfed the evaluation of mental health disorders to a pediatrician. The pediatrician sees the student once a year and signs a document clearing the student to attend school. This is not enough. School administrators and teachers see these students every day. They know when something is wrong. They need standardized tools and training to assess the mental health of their students.
There is no legal issue stopping schools from intervening. Schools do not fall under HIPAA laws according to Health and Human Services. Starting early, schools need to assess the mental health of their students. Schools need to train students on how to manage the algorithms which feed the social media they see. Schools need to connect the dots for their students. From mental health to social media to bullying to drug use - it is possible to see a major change.
What would a solution look like? Simply use a standardized mental health assessment form (like those used in clinics and hospitals). A small number of standardized questions assesses mental health risk. This score should be shared with parents and teachers every 3 months. It allows for early intervention with a lower score. It also encourages positive curriculum and learning around stress management to keep scores high. An informed team of parents and teachers can provide the best outcomes for our youth.
For over 100 years, the US educational system has been evolving. It is time to focus on the mental health of our young people, placing it paramount to academics and athletics. Join our petition to mandate legislators, school boards, administrators, parents and teachers to make this change!
Please click here to sign for your support towards change within the academic world! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact! Thank you!